
Electricity are so important to us. We need electricity because without electricity we don't have light, food, computer, and any thing that need energy.

We can say electric is friend of magnet. We can make electricity using magnet. And, we can also make magnet using electricity.

Battery can change chemical energy to electrical energy that can be used for us for example for the light. Luigi Galvani found electrical phenomenon when cooking a frog for her wife. But Volta, battery inventor didn't believe him, but Volta found the reason!
Because if 2 different metal meets together it will make electrical phenomenon.

We can also make battery by using fruit but we have to use fruit that have lot of water, like lemon and apple.

Some power plant are using wind, water, sun heat and sun light.

There are 2 type of electric. the 1st. is DC flow is going in 1 way. The 2nd. is AC flow is going in more than 1  way.

Metal are conductor that can flow away electric. Wood, paper, plastic, rubber are insulator.

Some animal can product an electric, like electric eel.

Fruit used as battery
Electric eel
Power plant using wind power

Power plant using water flow
General design of Power plant using water flow 
Solar panel using sunlight 

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