Gutenberg: inventor of Printing Press

Gutenberg was born on 1399 and died on 1468. He was born in Mainz (Germany) in a noble family.

He was a German inventor of printer and goldsmith. He was fame because of the printing press with movable type in Europe with help of Peter Shoffer and a banker Johann Fust.

The printing press worked using type-pieces that were laid out to form the words for the page.
Ink was spread across the type pieces that had been laid out in this way and they were pressed onto a piece of paper or parchment.

Before Gutenberg created the printing press with the movable type, Gutenberg created on a wooden table printing press called Matrix.

Gutenberg's movable type pieces were using lead alloy. They cooled quickly and had a high resistance to the pressure exerted by the printing press.
Printing press with movable type

Gutenberg's bible

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